About Us
The Tango Studio Team is growing! Apart from our core teachers and hosts we are grateful to the many volunteers over the years that make our classes and events run smoothly. We also recognize the community that supports local dance events! Thank you!!
A warm Buenos Aires evening, a glance around the salon, a cabeceo…
Santiago and Deborah met in Buenos Aires in February 2006. Together they bring a rich background in tango, dance and movement studies to their partnership. They have been teaching together in Vancouver since 2008. They also host a weekly milonga (social dance) and have been an integral part of building the local tango community. Active social dancers and organizers they strive to create a warm and inviting space for learning and socializing. Their classes are devoted to developing body awareness, connection, creativity and musicality with the goal to transmit a connectedness created in the magic of improvisation. Their love of tango and their enthusiasm for transmitting it’s passion and poetry make them compelling performers. Santiago and Deborah have been honoured to share the stage with many talented musicians and dancers including Linda Lee Thomas, principal pianist for the VSO, as part of the cast of Tango Poema. They have also been featured performers at The Dance Center, The Act, New Works Dance Festival, Quadra Island Chamber Music Festival, In the House Festival among others.

Santiago Yanez
Instructor, Performer
Santiago was born and raised in Argentina. He trained as an elite athlete at a young age but his wild spirit led him to pursue a life of adventure. He worked as search and rescue in the mountains of Aconcagua and rode his bicycle from Mendoza to Alaska. Santiago took his first tango classes near his house when he was young however it wasn’t until several years later when he was living far away from his country that he began to dance again with a passion and has not stopped. He travels every year to dance and study in Buenos Aires and studies Alexander Technique and Capoeira to complement his dancing. He began teaching tango in Vancouver alongside Nadia Tavakoli in 2005.

Deborah Lynne
Artistic Director, Instructor and Performer
Deborah took her first tango classes in 1999 while living in Los Angeles. Within a few months she moved to Buenos Aires where she lived for the next 8 years. During this time she had the opportunity to train with many of tango’s most important maestros, Mingo and Ester Pugliese, Rodolfo Dinzel, Graciela Gonzalez, Gabriel Angio and Natalia Gomes, Damian Esell and Nancy Louzan, Gustavo Naveira, Chicho Frumboli among others. The city, the culture and the milongas were also important teachers. Deborah was fortunate to have spent many years in the milongas of Buenos Aires watching and dancing with the milongueros who grew up in tango’s golden age. She began assisting teachers at the CITA festival in 2005 and began teaching in Vancouver in 2008. Deborah remains committed to growing as a dancer and a teacher. Prior to dedicating herself to tango Deborah received a degree in Philosophy and Letters from Depaul University, she studied art and wrote poetry and ran a successful artist’s studio in Los Angeles. She is grateful for the body wisdom passed to her by her teachers of other disciplines, contemporary dancer Viviana Iasparra, Alexander Technique teacher Marta Hunter, tradition of Sivananda Yoga and the transformative experience of motherhood.

Georgi Genchev
Practica Host, DJ
Georgi was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. Strongly influenced by his family he completed masters degree in mechanical engineering at Sofia Technical University, but his passion has always been somewhere else… sports, outdoor lifestyle, self-exploration and development. Tango revealed itself to Georgi in 2006 in Sofia, where it was already very popular. He fell in love with tango from first glance. He started learning and dancing extensively in Sofia where argentine teachers were always present and his first tango steps were guided by Monica Parra. Georgi connected with tango easily and found that tango helps him express, as well as, explore better his raw, emotional, and passionate nature. After a couple of years of tango experience he took his first tango DJ-ing course in Sofia with Ivo Parushev, and later another one with Lorena Bouzas from Buenos Aires. In 2009 his explorer’s nature brought him to Vancouver, BC where he continue to learn and practice. His passion to dance, grow, and learn more about tango took him to Buenos Aires and many other places all over the world. Some of the most influential tango teacher were, Monica Parra, Julio Balmaceda, Javier Rodriguez, and many others.

The Tango Studio Vancouver
Santiago & Deborah
T: 604 338 4069
E: [email protected]
2474 Prince Edward St.
Vancouver, BC Canada